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Brochures & flyers

WEISS spindle with Sensor Module - SMI24

4.50 MB

Milling Motorspindle

1.96 MB

The better alternative instead of indirect spindle solutions

5.91 MB

System solutions for mill-applications

942.02 KB

System solutions for mill-turn applications

940.41 KB

High Speed Spindle

435.91 KB

Management system certificates

Maroldsweisach, Germany

Our quality management system fulfills the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2015, a seal of quality which confirms that our company has an excellent standard in quality management.

164.47 KB

Management system certificates

Handforth, Great Britain

Our quality management system fulfills the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2015, a seal of quality which confirms that our company has an excellent standard in quality management.

1.04 MB

Our environmental management system fulfills the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001: 2018, a seal of quality which certifies that our company has an excellent standard in environmental management.

1.04 MB

Our occupational health and safety management system fulfills the requirements of the international standard ISO 45001: 2018, a seal of quality which certifies that our company has an excellent standard in occupational health and safety management.

1.00 MB

Specification Series Inductance

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